Child’s Pose

Child's Pose, also known as Balasana, is a fundamental yoga pose that helps to release tension and promote relaxation. This resting position is ideal for stretching the back, hips, and shoulders, as well as calming the mind. Child's Pose is often used between more demanding yoga poses or as a restorative break.

Correct Technique for Child’s Pose

Follow these steps to perform Child’s Pose correctly:

  1. Starting Position: Kneel with your big toes together and knees either together or apart, depending on what feels most comfortable for your hips.
  2. Lower the Hips: Lower your hips down towards your heels. If your hips do not reach your heels, you can place a blanket or a block under them for support.
  3. Stretch the Arms: Extend your arms forward on the floor in front of you, or let them rest by your sides with palms facing up.
  4. Rest the Forehead: Rest your forehead on the ground or on a yoga block for a more relaxed position.
  5. Relaxation: Breathe deeply and relax in this position for 1-3 minutes or longer, depending on your needs.

In this video, Adriene guides you through Extended Child's Pose focusing on relaxation and stretching.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Although Child’s Pose seems simple, you can avoid these mistakes to get the most out of the pose:

  • Tight Shoulders: Allow your shoulders to relax and drop away from your ears so you can enjoy a deeper stretch.
  • Discomfort in the Hips: If you feel discomfort, you can widen your knees apart or use support under your hips.
  • No Support for the Forehead: If it is hard to reach the ground with your forehead, use a block or a blanket for support to avoid straining your neck.

This video provides a thorough overview of Child's Pose for beginners, focusing on correct posture and adjustments.

Modifications and Variations of Child’s Pose

If you need variation or support in Child’s Pose, you can try the following modifications:

  • Block under the Forehead: If you have trouble resting your head comfortably, you can place a yoga block under your forehead.
  • Stretched Arms or Alongside: You can choose to stretch your arms forward for a deeper shoulder stretch or let them rest by your sides for a more relaxing version.
  • Knees Together or Apart: If it feels more comfortable for your hips, you can separate your knees slightly to create more space and comfort in the position.

Watch Jasmine guide you through different ways to perform Child's Pose to suit your body type and needs.

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